Mon 27 Jan
its Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / I do parties / up all nite / call me now - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / area favorite / real photos - no fakes gtd - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / back from Myrtle Beach / Greenville-Rocky Mount / outcalls only - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Sat 11 Jan
its Cherokee / of Cherokees playmates / gone bad indian princess / really really bad - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE / FACELESS PICS- its me or free - call 24/7 - I answer my phone - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee - OUTCALL SPECIAL - VIP Escort / Adult Entertainer / Private Dancer - - 29
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / of Cherokees playmates / baddest indian ever / outcall only / real bad - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / american indian / slim & sexy - small & petite / real photos / areas favorite - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Fri 10 Jan
Spoil yourself with me / Goldsboro-Rocky Mount -Wilson / outcall only / 100% independant - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro)
Cherokee & Cheyanne - FANTASY TEAM IS BACK - slim / sexy / petite / small - Special Rate - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / small & petite / real american indian / I do parties / up all nite / call me now - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Thu 09 Jan
Cherokee - NO FAKE / FACELESS PICS / I answer my phone / VIP escort entertainer - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / parties always / up all nite / real American indian - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE PHOTOS -100 per cent me - area favorite - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee - NO FAKE PICS -its me or free - call 24 / 7 - I answer my phone - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Wed 08 Jan
its Cherokee / slim & trim / petite & sexy / native American indian/ outcalls only - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee // slim & sexy - small & petite / after game dancer - escort / party favorite - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee & Cheyanne - FANTASY TEAM - slim / sexy / petite / small - 100% Real Photos - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / slim & sexy - small & petite / party dancer - escort / area favorite - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / small & petite / new VA beach photos / up all nite / slim & sexy / areas #1 escort - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Sexy and Sweet / Steffie / Greenville-Rocky Mount -Wilson / outcall only - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Tue 07 Jan
its Cherokee / areas #1 adult entertainer / dancer - escort / real photos / outcalls only - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / 110 lbs / 40 dd / 5 ft 5 / slim and sexy / real and recent photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE FACELESS PICS - areas favorite VIP escort / adult entertainer - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Sexy and Sweet / Greenville-Rocky Mount -Wilson / outcall only - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Steffie / Sexy Busty Brunette / Steffie / another Cherokee playmate / outcall only - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Greenville / Goldsboro)
Sexy and Sweet / Greenville-Rocky Mount -Wilson / outcall only - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / new photos / internets baddest indian ever / real adult DVD model - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Mon 06 Jan
Cherokee - NO FAKE FACELESS PICS - areas favorite VIP escort / adult entertainer - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / slim / 115 lbs / 40 DD high profiles / real American indian / gtd real photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee / american indian / slim & sexy - small & petite / real photos / areas favorite - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee // slim & sexy - small & petite / after game dancer - escort / party favorite - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE / FACELESS PICS / I answer my phone / VIP escort entertainer - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / slim / 115 lbs / 40 DD high profiles / real American indian / gtd real photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee - ITS ME OR FREE - slim / sexy / petite / small - 100% Real Photos - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Sun 05 Jan
Cherokee - ITS ME OR FREE - slim / sexy / petite / small - 100% Real Photos - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE PICS -its me or free - call 24 / 7 - I answer my phone - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee & Cheyanne - FANTASY TEAM IS BACK - slim / sexy / petite / small - Special Rate - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE FACELESS PICS - areas favorite VIP escort / adult entertainer - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / 115 lbs / 40 DD high profiles / real American indian / real & recent photos gtd - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Spoil yourself with me / Goldsboro-Rocky Mount -Wilson / outcall only / 100% independant - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro)
Steffie / Sexy Busty Brunette / Steffie / another Cherokee playmate / outcall only - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Greenville / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - NO FAKE PHOTOS -100 per cent me - area favorite - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee - NO FAKE FACELESS PICS - areas favorite VIP escort / adult entertainer - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Sexy and Sweet / Steffie / Greenville-Rocky Mount -Wilson / outcall only - 32
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Sat 04 Jan
its Cherokee / of Cherokees playmates / gone bad indian princess / really really bad - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / of Cherokees playmates / baddest indian ever / outcall only / real bad - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / area favorite / real photos - no fakes gtd - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / back from Myrtle Beach / Greenville-Rocky Mount / outcalls only - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / slim & sexy - small & petite / party dancer - escort / area favorite - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / areas #1 adult entertainer / dancer - escort / real photos / outcalls only - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / GREENVILLE / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / small & petite / new VA beach photos / up all nite / slim & sexy / areas #1 escort - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / 110 lbs / 5 ft 5 / 40 dd / sexy - slim - petite / real photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / 110 lbs / 40 dd / 5 ft 5 / slim and sexy / real and recent photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Fri 03 Jan
its Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / I do parties / up all nite / call me now - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / small & petite / real american indian / I do parties / up all nite / call me now - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee & Cheyanne - FANTASY TEAM - slim / sexy / petite / small - 100% Real Photos - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee / small & petite / slim & sexy / parties always / up all nite / real American indian - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / slim & trim / petite & sexy / native American indian/ outcalls only - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee - NO FAKE / FACELESS PICS- its me or free - call 24/7 - I answer my phone - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
Cherokee - OUTCALL SPECIAL - VIP Escort / Adult Entertainer / Private Dancer - - 29
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / 115 lbs / 40 DD high profiles / real American indian / real & recent photos gtd - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Cherokee - slim & sexy - REAL PHOTOS - NO FAKE NO FACE photos -its me or free - 28
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
Thu 02 Jan
Cherokee / 110 lbs / 5 ft 5 / 40 dd / sexy - slim - petite / real photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Goldsboro / Smithfield)
its Cherokee / 110 lbs / 40 dd / 5 ft 5 / slim and sexy / real and recent photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)
its Cherokee / 110 lbs / 40 dd / 5 ft 5 / slim and sexy / real and recent photos - 27
(Eastern NC, R Mt / Wilson / Smithfield / Goldsboro)